Indoor vs. Outdoor storage
Picking the best storage option in Southern California for your RV, Motor Home, and Auto needs.
No question, there are many advantages of indoor storage for your RV, boat, or other vehicle. Toy Locker Storage provides indoor and outdoor options, both protected by high-voltage fencing around the perimeter of our facility and 24/7 state-of-the-art security monitoring.
Call today: (909) 488-7961
Indoor Storage Protects You From:
Paint or gel coat oxidation
Bird, snake, or rodent invasion
Tire cracking
Extreme weather damage
Roof resealing or recoating
Bleaching or rotting of canvas covers or awnings
Rust or corrosion of chrome or aluminum
Damage to wood, window tints, upholstery, and fabrics
Water spots on mirrors, glass, or Plexiglas
What You Might Not Know:
Annually, many save more money by renting indoor storage rather than paying for the damages and maintenance caused by sun, wind, and other outdoor elements.
Inside, your vehicles always remain clean. Saving you time in having to constantly prepare them for use.
Outside heat damage can occur under the hood as well as on exterior surfaces. Oiled fittings and rubber hoses may become brittle and damaged.
We are the premier provider of Indoor and Outdoor Storage Options in
Fontana, Loma Linda, San Bernardino, Rialto, and Colton.